Carbon Credit Investment opportunity – ITMO Auction

ITMO Auctions – Climate Finance for developing nations

A series of Auctions will be run in 2025 – for information or to register for future auctions as a Buyer or Seeler please contact:

  CTX has opened the Auctions up to Corporate or larger Sophisticated Investors to directly invest into the Highest Quality Carbon Credits, with a significant potential upside, given the international scarcity of one of the planets most important ‘assets’*.

ITMOs Carbon Credits (often Referred too as Article 6 Credits) are produced by Projects in the same manner as Voluntary credits, but authorized and certified as  ITMOs by the Host Nation, making them more valuable as future ‘offsets’ for Developed Nations under UNFCCC Paris Agreement NDC emissions reduction obligations.

Global Carbon Registry, Gold Standard and Verra are the most credible sources of these, which can be purchased and held to be re-sold later (at a profit) to Governments, Airlines or major corporations.

Sellers /Projects: for CTX Members, the same infrastructure is used to list on the Auction and/or CTX for sale. For non-members of CTX there is a MOPA-S contracts that allow credits to be transferred to list manually.

Buyers: CTX Members get lower fees, but non-members can bid and only pay for what they ‘win’ at the Auction via unique MOPA-B contracts. 

Huge opportunity – most nations with these NDC obligations are well behind their targets and in some cases like the UK, USA and Australia, getting further behind meaning that demand for ITMO ‘offsets’ must increase exponentially. Various Reports put the annual value of the market by 2030 to be between $200 Billion (IETA) and $4Trillion (Shell) per year, with prices expected to reach $100+ per ton by 2030**.

Despite the Paris Agreement being signed in 2015, Article 6 (carbon trading) wasn’t agreed until COP26 in Glasgow, so ITMOs can only be issued for projects operational in 2021 and beyond and require the Host Country (of the physical Project) to give written Authorization for those credits to leave its NDC and be used as a Corresponding Adjustment in a buy side nations NDC. 

Despite many (paid) advisors’ statements, a Bi-Lateral Agreements between the Host Nation and the Buyer nation is not necessary and dozens of these have been signed with little or no transactions being completed.

The Climate Finance from the sale of these credits supports important benefits to the least developed nations and are originated from fully operational certified projects for emission reductions already proven each year, and these credits do not ‘expire’, so can be re-sold then cancelled later – as an Offset for a Nations NDC and/or a Voluntary or Airline emission reduction.

The CTX ITMO Auction is for already issued ITMOs (SPOT delivery), with full details of the project and ALL its documents available for buyers prior to the Auction. 

*CTX has designed all the necessary business structure to have the Auctioned ITMO Credits once sold, to be held securely under escrow for future resale on CTX or any other method – or of course transferred to the buyers Registry account (immediately or later).

** CTX does not give investment advice or guarantee future prices on whether the price of Carbon could go up or down. This is only open to Corporate or Highly Sophisticated Investors, who are obliged to make their own investigations or take independent advice.