What better way to counter negativity than to make lemonade out of lemons!

What better way to counter negativity than to make lemonade out of lemons!

Virus fears and restrictions are causing devastating impacts on Airlines globally, so we thought we would follow up from our previous communications from our sponsorship of Aviation Carbon 2019. And we have some positive news.  

Carbon Trade eXchange (CTX) has partnered with the largest capacity (barter) exchange in Europe, BBX, to create an opportunity to use YOUR current empty seats (especially in business and first class) as a way of funding the offsetting of your carbon footprint NOW!!

In exchange for spare capacity, you could get:

  • Ahead of the competition
  • More bums on seats
  • Fabulous PR
  • Cash-free offsets

Let’s fill the pointy end, offset a chunk of your emissions (or even future ones) and ride out this storm together.

Want to find out more? Contact us on the numbers below.
We look forward to hearing from you.


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